Philip Morris International is a leading international tobacco company, with a diverse workforce of around 80,000 people who hail from every corner of the globe and who are pictured  throughout this website.​​​​​​​
Project Brief
Phillip Morris intends to implement a mobile application to report findings related to the facility and utility system to encourage the reporting system and enhance ownership for energy and water consumption among the entire population in its factory in Jordan. Currently, the reporting system is done through emails and special forms that are time-consuming and does not cover all the findings. The application is designed in a way that allows the users to report nonconformities in is the easiest way and help them track the submitted reports. After a series of  meetings with the client and visiting the facility, I got a better understanding of how the nonconformity reporting should work. The application is dedicated to users whose first language is not English. Hence, I used simple and straightforward language that is easy to understand. The interface intuitively guides the user from the very beginning of creating a report to following up on the issue and archiving it after it is resolved.


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